About GoFundPeace

GoFundPeace is a place for grassroot organizations in Colombia who are working to help sustain peace to reach out directly to the world for funds that help support their local initiatives.

Using the power of Ethereum and smart contracts, we've created a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that enables anyone in the world to donate to GoFundPeace using a cryptocurrency called DAI. DAI is a stable coin on the Ethereum network that is pegged against the United States Dollar, meaning that 1 DAI is equal to about 1 US Dollar.

Once you donate to the DAO, you will then receive a GoFundMe token (GFP) that is used to be able to vote on proposals on how to use the DAOs pool of donations. This means that you will get a say on not just where your donation goes to, but you get a say on where all donations go to!

New Donation

Your Balance: 0 DAI

Sucess! Click to see transaction